You will battle with the day regularly. Some days will be easier than others. The best thing you can do for yourself is to have a routine that sets you up for success. Having a routine allows you to focus on a few key things, which makes it simple. The key to life is simplicity. As my friend Ryan Stewman says, "There are seven colors and ten numbers. Humans complicate the rest." Keeping a simple routine will allow you to stay consistent. The greats all have habits for their day and if you want to be great, you should too.
One of the first things you need to do to crush your day is to set the alarm every morning and stick to it. Many of the highly successful individuals of the world recognize that we only have twenty-four hours in the day and to be elite; we must maximize the number of things we can get done in that time frame. The earlier you can wake up, the less distraction you will encounter. High producing individuals typically wake up between four am, and five am. They do this knowing they will have plenty of time to accomplish certain tasks knowing that most of the world will still be sleeping until sometime around six-thirty or seven am. That quiet time will allow you to do things you might not have "had time for." throughout the rest of your day.
The second thing you can do after waking up first thing in the morning is taking the time to journal and meditate. For those who follow the <G>Code, we typically take that first 5 minutes of our day to think about and write down five things we are grateful for in our lives. They can be anything. Most common among them would be your spouse, children, loved ones, friends, material possessions such as your home, vehicles, toys, or even deeper you can choose to be grateful for fresh air, water, and your spiritual beliefs. Everyone will have their things to be thankful for, and it is up to you to choose what makes you feel the most gratitude. For many, there are two or three things that come up almost daily, and the rest fill in where appropriate. Bonus points if you write down what you are grateful for and why.
The final thing you can do to crush your days consistently is to work out in some way for at least thirty to forty-five minutes daily. For most of us, we don't get nearly enough exercise in life. Part of that is due to the busy schedules we keep, but the larger excuses are that we "don't have time." Well, that excuse goes out the window when you start waking up earlier, as discussed in the first paragraph. You can choose to do any activity that makes you feel good. I choose to ride my road bike and go for the occasional Run/Walk. I even mix in some high-intensity bodyweight workouts to stay lean and muscular. It really doesn't matter what you decide to do, make sure you are moving your body and getting the blood flowing. Getting yourself moving this early in the day is going to spring your metabolism into action, which will wake you up and help you start creating energy in your body. That energy is going to help you crush your day. The other nice thing about getting your workout done early in the day is you won't have to dread going to the gym later in the day after you've been at work. Unless you find the gym and working out as a stress reliever, then, by all means, go and use it to your advantage.
All in all, crushing the day doesn't have to be hard. It just requires putting in a little bit of extra work and staying consistent. Remember...Unless you want to be "ordinary," you're going to have to be a little extra!
"Crush The Day Before It Crushes You!"
-Drewbie Wilson