The real secret to my success is my life partner, Kayla. She is my best friend, my confidante, my go-to person, my biggest supporter - my everything. She is the one person who knows me better than anyone else, and she loves me unconditionally. We have been through everything together - the ups and downs, the good times and the bad. And we have come out stronger every time. Having someone that understands your business is key to maintaining a successful relationship. She knows my business goals and is always willing to help me achieve them. Having someone who is supportive and has your back is important in any relationship, but especially in business.
My life partner is my best friend. We share everything, including our successes. I can tell her anything, and she will always be there to support me. This allows us to be open and honest with each other, which is crucial in any relationship. We can confide in each other and offer suggestions or advice when needed. She is my sounding board. I can run ideas past her, get her opinion, and then make an informed decision. This has been invaluable in growing my business.
She is also my biggest cheerleader. She is always there to encourage me. This has been so important in keeping me motivated and inspired. She is someone who I can trust, confide in, and rely on. And she understands my business goals and is always willing to help me achieve them. Having someone who believes in you and your business can make all the difference. When it comes to business, your life partner is your best asset.
One of my mentors often talks about business partnerships, but I think the lesson correlates across the board. Kayla is very different from me, but together we make a great team! We balance each other out and can offer different perspectives on things. It is important to have someone in your life that understands you and is there for you, no matter what. He always says that you should find someone who is your complement, not your copy. By that he means, choose someone with complementary skillsets and grow together. I have found this to be true in my own life and it has made all the difference.
Most individuals set up a partnership based on the expectation that if things go south, they can blame the other person for the failure. Such as the other person's lack of attention, lack of effort, lack of passion for the results, and more. This is the wrong mindset to have to go into any relationship. A partnership is only as strong as the two individuals involved. If you are not both committed to making it work, then it will ultimately fail. It is important to be on the same page from the beginning and to always communicate openly and honestly with each other.
When things are good, it is easy to be in love. But when things get tough, that is when you need a partner. Kayla has been there for me through thick and thin. We have celebrated our successes together and we have helped each other through our failures. This is what a true partnership is all about. It is not just about being there for the good times, but for the bad times as well. And this is what makes our relationship so special and why I believe having a life partner is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
The best relationships in life, in marriage, and business, are all built on an ownership mentality. When you take full responsibility for half of the relationship and results, only then can you truly be an equal partner. So often in life, we want to blame someone else when things don’t go our way. But if you want to have a successful partnership, you must learn to take full responsibility for your half of the relationship. But more importantly, accept responsibility for themselves and put systems and routines in place to show up as the best partner they can be. If you want to be with someone who will be there for you through thick and thin, make sure you are doing the same for them.
A mentality of, “Your needs are my needs!” or “We are in this together!” creates a much different relationship than one of, “What is in it for me?”. By setting clear boundaries and expectations, you are setting your relationship up for success. When you take the time to understand your other half and what they need from you, only then you can create a true partnership that will last a lifetime and be committed to making it work.
I’m grateful to have such an incredible partner in Kayla Sweet-Wilson. We joke that she is my advisor, but the truth is that it is far from a joke. She knows how to help me navigate the complex parts of growth and leadership and I do my best to reflect the same energy to her being a mother and a provider. By serving each other at the highest level, we open up the possibilities to be better together than we ever could be apart. That is the way every relationship should operate. With each person providing resources and support to the other to create something better than before. Because when you start operating with the thought that everyone else’s success will determine your success, things change. Your perspective changes. Your priorities change. Your actions change. And that’s when true greatness is created.
If you don’t have a life partner in your life, I encourage you to find someone who can help push you to be better. Without a life partner, we would miss out on so many important aspects of life. He or she is someone who understands us, helps us grow, and encourages us to be our best selves - that is something we all deserve. And if you already have a life partner, appreciate them, cherish them, love them and never take them for granted. Do everything you can to make sure they know it! Because a lifetime partnership is one of the most valuable things we can have in this life and you don't want to miss out on it.